Main Street



Price per sqm £5,600.00
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Main Street




Superb freehold property located on the Main Street. Built over two floors and in very good condition. Features within the building include marble floor entrance hallway, large rooms with high ceilings, interconnecting rooms with over door transom windows and some rooms retain original wooden floorboards. A prime and superbly appointed piece of real estate offering an investment opportunity with current Outline Planning Permission to convert the current residential areas into 7 x 1 Bedrooms – 1 studio apt and a communal roof terrace, with the possibility of adding an extra floor and a half.

The upper floors would also provide perfect office suites along with penthouse accommodation, plus terraces overlooking the Main Street.

The property additional also includes two retail outlets on the ground floor offering a good rental yield – both with 9 year leases with 3 yearly rent reviews.

Property is sold with vacant possession on the residential only.


1st floor: Residential – a 3 bedroom apartment - Total net area 121m2 plus Patio 8.2m2

2nd floor: (level 1) Residential duplex 3 bedroom apartment -Total net area 106.6m2 plus

3rd floor:( level 2 ) Residential Internal 39.3m2 plus Roof terrace 60.7m2 - Total net area: 113.8m2

Commercial net area - 93.9m2

Residential net area - 370.80m2

Floor plans available upon request.

Viewing is highly recommended.

Areas m2
Interior Size:
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Terms and Lease

About Main Street

The heart of Gibraltar, stretching North to South from Casemates to The Referendum Gates and East to West from Irish Town to Town Range.

The retail centre of Gibraltar including Main Street, Casemates and Irish Town comprising mainly of older Freehold properties and enjoying high street brands such as Marks & Spencer, Holland & Barrett, Mango, Tommy Hilfiger and others.

The area comprises of several residential developments such as Gibraltar Heights, Cornwall’s Centre, Trafalgar House and the new and exclusive Midtown Development affording luxury residential, retail and commercial space in the heart of Gibraltar. There are also numerous other smaller developments and areas in town that afford older style colonial properties, such as the Library Gardens complex and the Town Range development.

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Property Stats

Average BMI Property Sales Prices for Main Street

Average Price


£2,100,000.00 2024
£410,000.00 2021
£180,000.00 2020
£1,138,333.33 2019
£225,000.00 2016
£1,825,000.00 2014

For full property stats visit our market update


These sale prices are for information purposes only and may not be relied upon as a valuation or any other purpose. BMI shall not be responsible for any losses or damages caused by or in connection with the reliance or use of the figures or market information set out on our website.

NB. Whereas we have endeavoured to maintain accuracy with all the information provided, we would point out that certain average prices listed, may be somewhat weighted given the various types of particular bedroom / property types in various developments. The information is therefore provided for guidance purposes only. For further detailed information, we would kindly ask that you contact our office.

Unit 7 Portland House, Glacis Road, Gibraltar

+350 20051010